ORA-12006: a materialized view with the same user.name already exists
I have a new empty schema and I'm trying to create a new materialized view the problem is that I'm having an ORA - 12006 error and I don't know wy because like I've said, the shema is empty and there's anything data in it yet...
My query seems like:
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW mySchema.mvName (column1,column2) TABLESPACE myTablespace REFRESH COMPLETE ON DEMAND WITH PRIMARY KEY AS SELECT DISTINCT column1,column2 AS alias FROM anotherSchema.table@dblink WHERE condition1; /
I have alredy create the grants to the dblink.
Could anybody hep me? Thanks!!
12 Answers
If the code in the question is exactly what you run in SQL*Plus then this is expected.
You don't need a ;
and a /
for a SQL statement in SQL*Plus. The ;
is enough. You only need the /
for PL/SQL.
In fact in your case the /
is the reason why you get the error.
In a nutshell: when SQL*Plus reaches the ;
it creates the materialized view. It then reaches the /
which means "run the statement in the buffer". And therefor the create mview is executed again - obviously generating an error.
See my related answer regarding this topic for more details:
Simply you can check if you have access to the dictionaries
select object_name,object_type,owner from dba_objects where object_name='yourobject';
Or a very basic check with select
SELECT * FROM <source user>.<source table>@<database link>
Even Sylvain's question is very much applicable
and then try to create view.
If the error is for snapshot, then check for duplicates in it
SELECT * FROM all_snapshots ;